What To Expect When Working With A Fertility Nutritionist

If you are starting to think about becoming pregnant, the it's time to also start thinking of your health and lifestyle. Nutrition, in particular, can impact fertility. As such, it's a good idea to meet with a fertility nutritionist at least a couple of times before you begin trying to conceive. Here's a look at what you can expect when you meet with a fertility nutritionist.

Both you and your partner should attend

People often assume that only the woman needs to go to the fertility nutritionist. Indeed, it is important to ensure the woman is consuming enough of the right nutrients to ensure she ovulates and can support a pregnancy. But nutrition affects fertility in males, too. Eating too many of the wrong things can reduce sperm count and sperm motility. Nutrient deficiencies can impact male fertility, too. So, the best option is usually for both partners to see the fertility nutritionist together. This way, you can also make healthy changes to your diet together, which makes it easier to support each other.

You may need to track your diet beforehand

Fertility nutritionists, like most professionals in the nutrition field, tend to rely on food diaries to determine what you're eating at the onset. So, don't be surprised if your nutritionist asks you to write down everything you eat for three days before your first appointment. Be as honest and as thorough as possible when recording your intake. It can be tempting to leave off the potato chips or ice cream you eat at night, but the nutritionist needs an honest picture of what you're eating in order to give the best advice.

You may be asked to take supplements

The primary advice you receive from the fertility nutritionist is likely to be in the form of dietary changes. For instance, they may recommend you eat fewer processed, carb-heavy foods, and more leafy greens. But most fertility nutritionists will also advise you to take certain supplements. You'll probably be advised to take folate, as it is necessary to prevent neural tube defects in babies. However, other supplements may also be recommended based on what you're currently eating. So, you might be advised to take vitamin A, while someone else may need to take calcium. The amounts you're advised to take may be larger than you'd expect since you're preparing your body to create and support new life.

Hopefully, you have a better idea of what to expect when you meet with a fertility nutritionist. This is a great first step on the road to becoming a parent.

428 Words

About Me

Let's Get Back to Nature Years ago, our ancestors did not have pharmacies. They did, however, know a lot about health and how to heal naturally. It is a shame that some of that knowledge seems to get passed over these days. There are a lot of people who would prefer to still take a more natural approach to their health, but the resources to enable them to do so are not always widely available. We want to change that. We know that our blog is just one source of information, but we want it to be a good, reliable, and comprehensive resource for anyone wishing to learn more about natural health care.




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